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Our reputed Solubilis Professionals are here in Trichy to impart all kind of Trademark Registration assistance. We are also available in Madurai, Coimbatore, Chennai, Salem, Karur, Tirupur, Kanchipuram and all over India to register your trademark and lend a hand to Business proprietors to fulfil your financial and industrial requirements. Before filing Trademark, our registration process starts with an Industry Expert trademark Attorney to make sure whether the opted trademark is ready to avail and how to proceed further towards prosperity. We are saving you lot of time and very cautious in analyzing various aspects of trademark registration before filing. Documents will be prepared and verified by trademark experts; not by other operators since it is not a fill in the blanks kind of form. We impart an expert in creating strong base for the trademark to get registered.
The trademark application is prepared and filed in a way that meets all the adequate necessary requirements which will be examined by the trademark officer.
The filed trademark application waits in queue until it is assigned to a trademark examining attorney and he will be reviewing the filed application.
The trademark attorney will issue an office action if any mis-happenings that takes place in the application and he suggests strategies to overcome the office action.
After the approval by trademark attorney, the office of the trademark will pass a notice of publication in the official gazette of the trademark.
The trademark office will issue a allowance notice. During this time, the applicant must file a statement of use to proceed with the registration process.
After the final trademark registration , the main thing to be focussed is the maintenance of the trademark. Constantly moniter to prevent from infringers.
Usually, a mark consist of a word, signature, device, letter, numeral, brand, heading, label and shape of the goods. The marks are indicative of the kind, quality, purpose, quantity, value or geographical origin of the goods. A trademark also symbolizes the name of a person living or dead.
Yes, after filing a trademark application, the examiner who is assigned will hunt the trademark registry records to determine the conflict between the mark of your application and other applications.
The examiner will refuse registration if the mark is hardly descriptive or mis- descriptive or geographically descriptive of the goods or services.
Yes, a Registered mark for an registered application can be transferred or sold which is registered in the Indian trademark registry.
It is difficult to predict, since it involves many factors in the registration process. Ordinarily, the trademark applicant will receive a filing receipt approximately after 20 days and should receive a response within 6 to 7 months from the date of filing the application.
Get the one stop solution for the all the business registration and legal compliance with the support of Solubilis.